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Southern California’s unprecedented precipitation this past winter relieved the region’s years-long drought conditions and helped in creating rain-soaked, snow-covered scenery for millions of Instagram accounts. However, with the onset of spring comes both warmer temperatures and the potential for uncontrolled growth of weeds, grass, and other vegetation to wreak havoc.
While it may not seem like such a big deal now (give it time, it will be), this excess greenery can quickly become a fire hazard waiting to happen. With wildfire season practically year-round in California, property owners must stay diligent when it comes to maintaining safe conditions under state, city, and community regulations. Failure to do so can result in costly fines, potential property damage, and possibly even worse outcomes.
Fortunately, you don’t have to combat overgrown landscaping alone — CAM’s Property Pros are here to help you manage the situation before it becomes unmanageable.
Fire Hazard & Weed Abatement
One of the most common causes of wildfires is an abundance of dead vegetation. Overgrown trees, weeds, bushes, and excess grass and leaves can all become fuel for wildfires should they be left unattended. In this case, property owners can face heavy fines for their neglect.
Fortunately, CAM Property Services has you covered. From tree trimming to dead plant removal, our Landscaping Pros start by giving
you a detailed report on the issues at hand, followed by innovative solutions to get the job done.
Fire Hazard Prevention
CAM also provides expertise in the form of proactive measures such as preventing the accumulation of dead grass and drying soil. Curb appeal is our specialty — we trim, mow, rake, and clean your property to keep it looking attractive and safe.
We also provide discing and fuel modification services, improving your soil’s health to nurture a variety of plants while also ensuring that wildfires don’t have the fuel required to spread.
Aerial Drone Surveillance
Unsure of where to check for fire hazards on your property? Maybe it’s time for a new perspective. CAM provides state-of-the-art drone inspection for a fresh vantage of your property.
CAM conducts full perimeter scans of your property, giving you detailed information on your landscaping and potential hazards present. With this new outlook, you can make better-informed decisions, and we can provide more innovative solutions. And that’s a win-win, from any perspective.
Wildfire season is coming, whether you’re ready or not. Click HERE to find out more about how CAM Property Services can help you prepare.